Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Welcome and rules!

This is a forum designed for people who want to discuss topics in a civil way. I am not real tech savvy so was not sure how to develop a website for this purpose which would probably be better. But, you can log in to the site and post under comments your thoughts, opinions on matters of a political and societal nature. I hope to upgrade to a website but that depends on how willing my more tech savvy friends are to help me do this.  I realize the limitations as it is listed under my blog but I just want to moderate it a bit, like I said hopefully I can do a website that would be better. 
The rules for this blog are, you can bring up any political issue you want but you must discuss it civilly. I hope to read comments from many ideologies, etc. but I am hoping we can disagree peacefully and by so doing promote intellect, thought, reason, and a greater sense of philosophy between the parties. Of course, all parties are welcome, not just the traditional donkeys and elephants. 
  Civil means, no name calling or implying negative things about people who post here. I formed this blog in response to being called unconstitutional.  So there is one example of uncivil language that I would like to discourage here. Also, please try to avoid blanket statements about groups of people or individuals. If you disagree with someone else's opinions, please use facts, reason, philosophy, historical viewpoints or references, statistics, anything intellectual to back up your argument, please do not call people names such as "stupid" or "baby-killer" or imply by your statements that a group of people is this. Also try to avoid negative political connotations (ie, please, no calling Republicans fascist, no calling Democrats socialists). I think we get the idea. I will try to moderate as I can but cannot always be available to do so as I hope to have a real job that pays real money quite soon. But I am interested in the idea of this forum and so will definetly be checking up on it. As the creator of this forum, I hold the right to call you out if you are not civil. I can't really kick you off (nor would I want to as I think that is un democratic) but I will call you out if you make these sort of statements. 
     Finally, thank-you for joining, writing, etc. Again, this blog/forum is intended for people who want to discuss divisive issues civilly using reason, facts, philosophy. If you do not want to discuss things in this manner there are plenty of other forums for that but this is not one of them.

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